This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Selasa, 11 November 2014

Ebuddy Messenger v3.0.6 Java

Buat yang suka chatting di YM, Facebook, GTalk, ICQ, MSN, Ne Ane Hadiahin Buat Anda Aplikasi Untuk Catting  (Ebuddy Messenger v3.0)

Dengan Aplikasi Ini Anda Dapat Bersiliturrahmi Dengan Saudara,Teman Teman Terdekatmu Atau Pacarmu Dari Kejauhan.

Aplikasi Inilah Satu satunya Yang dapat Mengobati Rasa Suntuk MU karna Karna Banyaknya  Masah,Mk Ebuddy Messenger v3.0.6 Java Lah Solsinya.
Selamat ber-chatting ria bersama teman-teman di seluruh dunia :D
Silahkan download, versi terbaru Ebuddy, new icon:

Direct download:
ebuddy_V3.0.6.jar (455kb)

Berkreasi dengan Theme Builder v1.00 Java

Bagi temen2 pembesut ponsel S40 Java Nokia, gak perlu pusing2 ganti tema, ciptakan sendiri aja:
Tampilan awalnya.
Setelah pilih menu “Create” kemudian pilih “OK” untuk menentukan folder tempat penyimpanan tema
Selanjutnya setelah pemberian nama, pilih “Create” lagi
Tentukan backgroung tema
Pilih model menu icon yang tersedia.
Jadi deh tema kreasi sendiri… mantapzzz
Selamat mencoba….ponsel tampil cantik di antara teman2mu

Download:  Keepandshare
Theme builder v1-00.rar (Size: 75Kb)

Theme Builder Versi Beta 240x320 (112 KB)

iconTheme Builder Adalah Software Buat Hp Java Yang Dipersembahkan Untuk Anda Pengguna Handphone Java.

Thema Builder Ini Dapat Membantu Anda Membuat Thema Sendiri Menurut Keinginan Hati Anda Sendiri, Sehingga Tak Perlu lagi Buang Buang Pulsa Buat Download Di Internet.

Istimewanya Lagi ,Aplikasi Ini Berukuran Sangat Kecil Dan Ringan Dalam Kinerjanya Serta Mudah Menggunakanya..


Tak Perlu Banyak Bicara Yang Penting Bunktinya, Jangan Sampai Anda Kecewa S'at Link Dihapus
Yang Penasaran Lansung Aja Click Link Downloadnya Dibawah Sini :

(112 KB)Your application is ready!
Downloads: 91792    

Kumpulan Aplikasi HP Java

Ringtone Cutter 240x320
mp3 cutterrating
good bad
(130 KB)
Downloads: 27604
Your application is ready!

Ringtone Cutter
Ringtone Cutterrating
good bad
(131 KB)
Downloads: 357969
Your application is ready!

Ringtone Cutter 240x320
Ringtone Cutterrating
good bad
(131 KB)
Downloads: 192103
Your application is ready!

Ringtone Cutter 240x320
Ringtone Cutter 240x320rating
good bad
(131 KB)
Downloads: 188584
Your application is ready!

Ringtone Creator
Ringtone Creatorrating
good bad
(193 KB)
Downloads: 214832
Your application is ready!

Ringtone maker
Ringtone makerrating
good bad
(140 KB)
Downloads: 46175
Your application is ready!

MP3 Tools V2.4
MP3 Tools V2.4rating
good bad
(28 KB)
Downloads: 44278
Your application is ready!

Real Player KD Player
Real Player KD Playerrating
good bad
(142 KB)
Downloads: 473782
Your application is ready!

Windows Media Player 11 KD Player
Windows Media Player 11 KD Playerrating
good bad
(211 KB)
Downloads: 221381
Your application is ready!

BT File Manager 240x320
BT File Manager 240x320rating
good bad
(55 KB)
Downloads: 57673
Your application is ready!

Super Bluetooth Heck V1.08 BT Info
Super Bluetooth Heck V1.08 BT Inforating
good bad
(111 KB)
Downloads: 184997
Your application is ready!

Bluetooth File Transfer FULL
Bluetooth File Transfer FULLrating
good bad
(623 KB)
Downloads: 7970
Your application is ready!

FaceWarp 1.44 240x320
FaceWarp 1.44 240x320rating
good bad
(147 KB)
Downloads: 68120
Your application is ready!

BT File Manager V1.3.2
BT File Manager V1.3.2rating
good bad
(61 KB)
Downloads: 93710
Your application is ready!

FaceWarp V1.49
FaceWarp V1.49rating
good bad
(147 KB)
Downloads: 42997
Your application is ready!

Mobile Facebook 1.0 240x320
Mobile Facebook 1.0 240x320rating
good bad
(50 KB)
Downloads: 484348
Your application is ready!

POWER MP3rating
good bad
(1.18 MB)
Downloads: 238627
Your application is ready!

Power mp3
Power mp3rating
good bad
(1.18 MB)
Downloads: 136571
Your application is ready!

Ultra Mp3
Ultra Mp3rating
good bad
(456 KB)
Downloads: 212125
Your application is ready!

MP3 Player Phone
MP3 Player Phonerating
good bad
(165 KB)
Downloads: 50956
Your application is ready!

AIMP2 mp3 player
AIMP2 mp3 playerrating
good bad
(2.60 MB)
Downloads: 21066
Your application is ready!

Lyrics Player
Lyrics Playerrating
good bad
(1.08 MB)
Downloads: 19472
Your application is ready!

LyricShowNero 240x320
LyricShowNero 240x320rating
good bad
(208 KB)
Downloads: 36952
Your application is ready!

Valentine Special Free
Valentine Special Freerating
good bad
(543 KB)
Downloads: 814
Your application is ready!

TT POD V1.50
TT POD V1.50rating
good bad
(2.97 MB)
Downloads: 3145
Your application is ready!