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Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

Hippo Animator 3.3.5133 Final Full Patch

Hippo Animator | Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah membagikan sebuah software pembuat animasi yaitu Easy Gif Animator, Nah Hippo Animator juga mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan Easy Gif Animator, yaitu Software pembuat animasi bergerak (gif) . Apabila sobat sering menjumpai gambar bergerak di Internet khusunya situs Nah gambar bergerak itu adalah gambar yang ber'ekstensi gif.


Langkah Aktivasi
  • Install Softwarenya seperti biasa, Pilih Trial setelah selesai tutup Programnya.
  • Kemudian buka folder Patch, Copykan semua isi didalam folder Patch kedalam direktory Installisasi.
  • C:\Program Files\Hippo Studios\Hippo Animator 3
  • Run As Administrator Patch.exe klik Patch
  • Selesai
 Selamat Medownload & Semoga Bermamfaat

Hippo Animator 3.3.5133 Final Full Patch

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Full Keygen

CorelDRAW | Merupakan Aplikasi Design Grafis yang digunakan untuk membuat berbagai macam design seperti logo, kartu nama, kalender, poster, stiker dan lain-lain yang terkenal dalam dunia digital.
Walaupun CorelDraw X5 dirilisnya udah lama, namun buat sobat yang ingin mengkoleksi dipersilahkan.

System Requirement
  • Microsoft® Windows® 8 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), or Windows® XP (32-bit), all with latest service packs installed
  • Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
  • 1GB RAM
  • 1.5GB hard disk space (for typical installation without content - additional disk space is required during installation)
  • Mouse or tablet
  • 1024 x 768 screen resolution
  • DVD drive
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher


Langkah Aktivasi
  • Diconect Internet
  • Install Mode Trial Corel Draw Graphic Suite X5 Hingga Selesai
  • Setelah selesai, kemudian Jalankan Shorcut di desktop CorelDraw X5
  • Buka Keygen Pilih Corel Draw Graphics Suite X5 klik Generate
  • Kembali ke CorelDraw pilih Other Activation Options - Pilih Phone Corel
  • Masukkan Nomor yang ada di Installation Code - kedalam Keygen [Di Installstion Code]
  • Klik Activation - Kemudian Copykan Activation Code yang ada di Keygen, keActivation
  • Code di Corel Draw
  • Klik Cuntinue - Klik Close
  • Selesai
Selamat Medownload & Semoga Bermamfaat

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Full Keygen

Easy Context Menu Version 1.4 Final

This program will allow you to add additional context menu items to download Easy Context Menu for a direct link - fast and free possible.

Please note that all items are divided into categories, for example, you can add new elements to the desktop context menu, you can separate the menu of the computer when working with files and folders, in general, see for yourself, everything is pretty easy.

For example, when working with files, you can add the item to block the program integrated firewall, you can quickly remove temporary files, you can copy the IP address to gain access to system utilities. In general, I like working out, you can really add a lot to the context menu of the new benefit,no Russian support , but simply to understand.

Sound Recorder AD 5.5.4 + Keygen Aktivator

Updated little program helps you to record sound. Once you grab the audio, you can save the result in three formats, such as WMA, MP3, WAV. If anyone interested, the full news you can download AD Sound Recorder direct link - fast and free. According to the developers of this program is easy to record sound from a microphone for example, you can record any play music, and the loss of quality is.

AD Sound Recorder has some settings, for example, you can adjust the recording volume, it can be both below and above the original, you can press to pause during recording and then keep it in the desired time. Is to provide a very simple user interface AD ​​Sound Recorder, Russian support is not there. 

Info And Link Download File :
Release Name : AD.Sound.Recorder.5.5.4.keygen-LAXiTY
Developer : Adrosoft
License : ShareWare
Language : English
Size : 2.43 MB
OS : Windows
Download : AD Sound Recorder 5.5.4 keygen